Happy New Year 2018


It’s a new year and every day is a new opportunity to try something new. I was perusing reddit and came across this post. Signing up for the Bradbury Challenge just felt like something different enough to make this year different from the last.

The plan is to write a short story every week for a year. It’s already the end of week 2, and it’s not perfect but I’ve attempted 2 stories now. Haven’t finished one yet, but I think as long as I attempt and start something, it’s better than nothing.

All future stories I’ll be adding here. I’ll probably continue to add more to past stories as I find the time to finish them.

Happy New Year


2012 is now here, which leaves us with a whole year left of time to work with. So what can we do with this new year? The Visual Story Swap has now started. It’s still early enough in the phase that if you want to join in, you can still sign up.  That project won’t take up most of the year, so what other goals can I set up for myself this year?

  • Let one thing inspire me. Observe the world around me and make a note of it. Hopefully, it will lead me to…
  • Write/draw/or photograph at least once a day. Even if it’s just something of a few minutes or an hour of work, at least try.

I think those are two pretty good goals to work on this year. Let’s see how it goes.

So many things to do…


It’s been pretty busy for me. The convention was only a week ago and I haven’t had time to catch up online too much. So I’m going to post up a small to do list just to get my goals up for the week.

  • Set up jewelry product pages for sale
  • Finish work on Pingg Valentine’s cards
  • Finish work on website

I’m sure the list will grow over time. Just have to get cranking.

Event: Setsucon! Jan 29-30, 2011


Just announcing that RebelTechnica will be attending Setsucon in State College, PA this weekend!

This is the 4th year of Setsucon, an anime convention put together by the Penn State Anime Organization. A small con that’s getting bigger each year.

It will be the first time I will be attending a con as an artist vendor and it will be a fun experience. So please come check myself and my friends out in the Artist Alley.