Sketchbook Project mailed!


I finally submitted (on time no less!) my sketchbook from the project I signed up to do.

This was hard to complete for me. If I did have more time, I would’ve done more ink work and perhaps may have even used other colors. The most difficult part was keeping up with the idea I started with. Somehow I knew it would come out to a bunch of portraits. I wanted to add more text to each image but thinking of titles or headlines is the worst part.

I’m just glad that I feel like I completed something, especially so early in the new year. I’ll post an update when they post the scanned version. (Hopefully that blue pencil comes out.)

The Sketchbook Project


There’s a project out there that anyone can participate in called The Sketchbook Project. I haven’t been to the Art Library in person, but I thought the concept was a great idea. You get the sketchbook and it just looks so small and compact. Once I started drawing in it, I had this idea to draw on every single page, but I’m only a few pages through, so it feels daunting. I’ll just have to keep plugging along and we’ll see. I want to be able to submit it in time for the “tour” they take some of the books on. My only request is that they make a stop in DC.