Just some more practice using Sketchbook Express. It’s fun to think of different poses and sketch them out from memory. When I want to get serious, it’ll be good to get human models for poses.
some more sketchbook express
SketchbookEven though drawing on a 13″ laptop seems kind of annoying because the screen is so small, it’s convenient to sit on the couch while the TV is on and doodle.
I’ve tried to sit myself in front of my desktop and use Corel Painter X but for some reason the application feels cruder than I remember it. Maybe because I have that version installed on my Winbox or maybe it’s because the version of the software is over 5 years old. Or maybe it’s just because the chair I have sucks.
At least Sketchbook Express is beginning to grow on me. One doodle before the new year and one doodle after. I definitely like the second better because it looks softer but it’s just nice to see something complete.
ReBoot dude
SketchbookWell, didn’t make the cut for the Tomb Raider contest.
Here’s a quick color in of an old sketch.
Digging up old sketchbooks
SketchbookI was beginning a bit of spring cleaning the other day and came across an old sketchbook. I used this book from high school into college but never really got to mark up all the pages. Here are a few highlights of what I was able to crank out at the time.
I always liked the way this book came out. It kind of represents a more hopeful time for me; I felt more imaginative and yet not challenged then. (Compared to these days, it’s a challenge to just begin with the first stroke sometimes. That’s just RL getting in the way.)
Looking back on old work does help me realize that I have gotten better and it’s somewhat re-inspiring. At the least, I can establish that technique has evolved and I can believe my imagination can work again.
Playing around with Paper
SketchbookTablets are a strange thing. They are that in between tech of awkward portability. You’re either lugging around something too big (10″+) or something too little (-7″). With the capabilities of a cellphone and a proper laptop, where does it really fit?
I’ve been playing around with my mother’s iPad with some art programs for it and a stylus. Paper is the application I’ve been using. What I really like about the app is the simple interface. However, I would like to be able to get a full pallet of colors without having to pay extra for it.
Drawing on the iPad is something to get used to. As there is no inherent pressure sensitivity, you’ve got to relearn what it is to draw with your hands. I love to draw traditionally with real paper and pencil, but I like the fact that I could draw digitally and push it straight to email or web post.
Do I want a tablet like an iPad to be able to draw digitally wherever I go? Maybe… I’m still undecided. It is an expensive piece of a equipment for not much output. And yet it’s still new, still portable as a notebook and pencil and fun. Does it beat drawing on a laptop with a mini Wacom tablet? I don’t think so. There is so much more flexibility when it comes to the software and hardware combinations you can get with that kind of setup.
Would I ever forgo my sketchbook and pencils for any of the above absolutely? Never.
pink hair, purple jacket
SketchbookI just wanted to draw a girl in a cool jacket and funky hair. Sketched her out, inked then penciled some colors in. When it was all done I was content, then it started to remind me of someone. Damnit Lady Gaga. Oh well. I still like how she came out.