More ink


Titles are terrible. Perhaps I’ll use song lyrics in the future.

This one I cheated a little and had drawn in pencil first for some of it. I might ink in some more shades for more dimension. And maybe put in another arm…

Green vest


I realised I need more colours of markers. I really wanted to make this girl more pale, vampire-ish, but that is the lightest color I have that looks skin-like. Not to mention for clothing… All other colors were much too strong. Perhaps I’ll use color pencils next time.

Inking Practice


Some sketches finally inked after a long while. I should’ve marked the original sketch dates, but oh well. Some tools, Staedler Pigment Liners. Staedler has some awesome stuff. The paper isn’t the best quality, there’s a little bleed through here and there, but good enough for nothing serious.

Ms Robin Hood


I wish I remembered to date this when I first drew it, then inked it. At least today, I markered it in. I wanted to do a semi-futuristic sci-fi type of drawing. I think I got it for the most part. When it came down to coloring it… the browns and greens just gravitated up. Now I have a semi-futuristic sci-fi type Robin Hood character that has much story writing potential. Wooh!

hand and cloth


There were three main things I wanted to practice on in this drawing — the hand, cloth and hair. Initially I didn’t know where this was going when I first sketched it. Finished, came back to it and then decided to ink it. When I finally purchased a marker set, I started looking for some sketches to color in and this was it.

The sketchbook is one of my favourites. Gifted to me by my best friend, I was curious to see how it would handle marker. Finch Paper at 100lbs the ink will bleed through to the other side, but not enough to ink onto the next page. The pages are so smooth — I’ll be doing a lot more inking and marker work in this book.



I like to draw people for the most part. This was one of those few times where I started imagining some non-humans. I think they are cute and spunky. Since it’s only been several years, should I finally color them in?