NaNoWriMo 2021


It’s that time again. This is actually the midpoint and it’s been a fun challenge again this year.

This time around, I am utilizing an application called Dabble. I tried this application last year during the trial period in an attempt to writing for NaNoWriMo. It was a good distraction, but I did not make much progress to that 50k goal. This year has actually gone a lot smoother for when I do have time to write because I actually did some plotting ahead of time with Dabble’s plot grid. *shock*

Next year, I think I’ll do a National Plotting Month in September (Halloween is too important to eat into for October).

The best part about Dabble is that it works seamlessly between my mobile device and my desktop. I’ve been able to write via desktop and then if I needed to go somewhere away from my desktop, I can pick it right up using my phone browser.

Then when it comes to writing distractions, I’ve been having fun with Canva to make book covers. Unsplash is a great place to grab images that could be used for free. I had this lofty idea a long time ago of drawing my own covers but never really made the time to do that. But Canva definitely helps with just getting the concept out.

Check out a couple of the covers I put together for this year and past stories…

Do you think you’d want to read any of these?

Happy New Year 2018


It’s a new year and every day is a new opportunity to try something new. I was perusing reddit and came across this post. Signing up for the Bradbury Challenge just felt like something different enough to make this year different from the last.

The plan is to write a short story every week for a year. It’s already the end of week 2, and it’s not perfect but I’ve attempted 2 stories now. Haven’t finished one yet, but I think as long as I attempt and start something, it’s better than nothing.

All future stories I’ll be adding here. I’ll probably continue to add more to past stories as I find the time to finish them.

Owl on the wire


The owl on the wire
Power twitching beneath the grasp of claws
The drone of traffic
bumper to bumper
It turns his head
to view the Natural world below
Grey sky above
The gust of wind through a ruffle of feathers

NaNoWriMo 2013


I’ve started again! A day late but off to a strong start. This time I’ve actually worked out an outline and some characters which is very different from what I’ve done in the past. I’ve always tried to start from scratch and would always get stuck.

But this time, I’ve got an outline! OMG how different it is. It’s like having goals throughout the story that I can see and move towards. Eventually, I’d like to go back to some of the previous stories I started and flesh it out with an outline.  Now back to writing!

NaNoWriMo Begins!


Life has been pretty busy the past few weeks. It will continue to be busy as the holidays are coming up. However, November is all about writing.

I’ve tried almost every year since undergrad to complete a novel in a month. There are a few stories I’ve begun that I most definitely want to see finished one day with the goal of self-publishing. Personal goal this time would be to at least get halfway there, at 25,000 words. Eep.

Cheers to everyone else trying. Good luck! If you would like to participate, check it out.



It’s the start of National Novel Writing Month! It’s the first day and already, I’m behind. Or at least, it feels that way. The goal is to get 50,000 words by the end of November. Which leaves it to about 1,667 words per day that need to get written.

The hardest part is starting the story. This time around, I’m just going to go the nonsense route and see where it takes me. Not to mention that I’ll be writing it by hand as well. Then I’ll type it up so that I can get some easy word counting done as well as some spell checking.

I think I feel a story bubbling… so good luck to everyone that’s participating!