Photo Albums unite!


It kind of made my day that SmugMug bought Flickr. I’ve been using Flickr since I bought my first digital camera back in 2004. It’s been the most awesome digital photo album that I just couldn’t find a replacement I liked. I even paid for Pro a couple of times before Yahoo bought it. Whatever Yahoo mismanagement did, the site had been neglected since. I actually started to look for a replacement last year which is how I got a SmugMug account. Finally, a company that is focused on the product. Hopefully that means it’ll bring it back to life. *fingers crossed*

I’ll probably keep both accounts but will find separate uses. I did want to keep family photos private but have another venue for public posts. We’ll see!

Wynwood Walls


I took a trip to visit family recently and we checked out a little spot called Wynwood Walls. The neighborhood is pretty quiet with a few hipster spots. It’s pretty awesome to just walk around and stumble upon mural after mural. One thing that made it special is the impermanence of street art. Can’t wait to go back and see what else new has been created.


Organization of things


I spent a whole weekend organizing and tossing stuff out. I have this inclination to collect things because I could possibly, maybe, one day use them later in some creative idea. However, when it becomes years before you remember such a thing existed and ample opportunities have already passed by, it’s time to throw it out.

I’ve got a nice set of pens and pencils, that at least now organized, I can be more ready to use them. The other was organizing some hardware. That Minolta is great, but it always seems to catch the film and won’t ravel it back into the film case. I’ve still got some film stuck in there that I need to get developed. That will be another post for later…