For MAGfest last year, I felt inspired to get into cosplay. I didn’t have that much time to put together an awesome costume from some advanced game, so I went with my favorite game of all time – Ms PacMan.

For MAGfest last year, I felt inspired to get into cosplay. I didn’t have that much time to put together an awesome costume from some advanced game, so I went with my favorite game of all time – Ms PacMan.
I’ve recently started getting into stamp making. Sometimes raiding office supply closets can produce items that people just don’t use anymore that can be repurposed. This item used to have a “MAILED” stamp, but who needs that anymore when most offices are paperless?
I peeled off the old stamp and found that the backing was still sticky enough. I had to slice down the rubber so that it would be thin enough to fit in the case and then I used the usual technique of chipping away to create my stamp. It came out surprisingly better than I thought it would. 😀
This is the first go at making a stamp. I’m pretty pleased with how it came considering the size of it. Took about an hour just trying to carve it out.
Kickstarter is an interesting beast. The first fund I decided to jump on was the 3doodler.
I am not disappointed. It works like a hybrid glue gun and solder iron. Since the holidays came and went, I haven’t had too much time yet to go into more in depth designs, but as it’s aptly named, I like how these doodles came out. There is a bit of a learning curve because melty plastic is not a precise tool. However, once you get the handle of “soft plastic suggestion”, you can start forming what you envision.
I bought these from KidRobot a long while ago. FINALLY I am going to start something with them. So the kitty came with an axe and the original munny style came with a triton. I considered making alternative props but at this point, I’ve come to like the props they came with.
After moving and finally taking things out of boxes to just put them in closets, I was left with lots of unused cardboard. So I felt inclined to paint and make something useful.