some more sketchbook express


Even though drawing on a 13″ laptop seems kind of annoying because the screen is so small, it’s convenient to sit on the couch while the TV is on and doodle.

I’ve tried to sit myself in front of my desktop and use Corel Painter X but for some reason the application feels cruder than I remember it. Maybe because I have that version installed on my Winbox or maybe it’s because the version of the software is over 5 years old. Or maybe it’s just because the chair I have sucks.

At least Sketchbook Express is beginning to grow on me. One doodle before the new year and one doodle after. I definitely like the second better because it looks softer but it’s just nice to see something complete.

Sketchbook Project mailed!


I finally submitted (on time no less!) my sketchbook from the project I signed up to do.

This was hard to complete for me. If I did have more time, I would’ve done more ink work and perhaps may have even used other colors. The most difficult part was keeping up with the idea I started with. Somehow I knew it would come out to a bunch of portraits. I wanted to add more text to each image but thinking of titles or headlines is the worst part.

I’m just glad that I feel like I completed something, especially so early in the new year. I’ll post an update when they post the scanned version. (Hopefully that blue pencil comes out.)